Monday, August 5, 2019

August CCD Inventory Clearance Sale

August CCD Inventory Clearance Sale
....while supplies last...

BF-P180 and BF-1T180s $2300 each

BF-160 and BF-1T160s $1800 each

TJF-160 F/VF's $1800 each

GIF-H180 and CF-H180s $3500 each.

If you have a GIF or CF HQ190 scope showing E204 error (near focus error) please let us know. We offer a repair for this common problem.

Don't forget we are repairing the latest 190 CCDS and many of Olympus' smallest CCDS like BF-Q180 and BF-P180 and BF-1T180s...also BF-H190s and CYF-VH types and many others. We repair 240 and 260 series CCDS as well! If you have any questions or issues with Olympus CCDS please feel free to contact and I am happy to see if we can help. We carry brand new harness to give your CCD a proper rewire and every CCD we repair successfully receives a 120 day warranty. There is never a charge to evaluate and attempt a repair. If your CCD can not be repaired we will always try and offer an exchange discount towards a replacement. IEC, LLC, a certified ISO 13485 company is ready to take on your most challenging CCD camera projects.